Facebook Avatar Creator | Facebook Avatar Maker | Create Facebook Avatar

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Have you noticed lately that Facebook has been flooded by cartoon-like features and images? Facebook avatar feature allows users to create a cartoon-like version of themselves. This has completely enhanced how people express themselves and communicate on Facebook without using their normal usual photos. You can easily create a Facebook avatar using the Facebook avatar creator by following our guide below.

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So have you joined the train yet? if not then you are missing out on the most trending stuff on Facebook right now. It is a free feature for both Android and iOS devices. It is part of the most recent Facebook Mobile app.

With the Facebook Avatar, you can build a customizable avatar of yourself which you can now use both on Facebook and on other social media platforms. You can express yourself and even edit them whenever you so wish. These Facebook cartoon characters are amazing.

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It is important to note that Facebook avatar is not available in every country just yet. It is currently available only in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America. Other countries will get it soon as Facebook did announce that the feature will be made available to all Facebook users worldwide but in batches.

So, if you are not from the above countries, you may not be able to create the Facebook avatar with the Facebook avatar creator just yet. A little more patience is needed. However, if you really do not want to miss out on the fun going on right now on Facebook.

Facebook Avatar Creator | Facebook Avatar Maker | Facebook Avatar App

The avatar maker is also known as the Facebook avatar creator is the app used to create a Facebook avatar. It is good to let you understand that the avatar maker is not a standalone Facebook app. It is an integral part of Facebook. So there is actually nothing like Facebook Avatar app. The Facebook Avatar creator or Avatar maker is already part of your Facebook app if you have the latest version of the Facebook app installed on your phone.

The Facebook avatar creator is what enables you to create a customized version of yourself in cartoon format. You can create your Avatar from Scratch to finish. You customize from Skin tone, eye colour, dreeing outfit, hairstyle, body type, face shape, and much more. The Avatar creator on Facebook comes with lots of customizable features. It is fun to have one. and more fun than you can even challenge your friends.

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Facebook Avatar Creator: How To Create Facebook Avatar Fast

It is easy to create Facebook avatar with the new Facebook avatar creator once you have the avatar maker in your Facebook app. The steps to create Facebook avatar is as outlined below.

Step 1: Open your Facebook app by tapping on it.

Step 2: Click on the Menu bar. The menu bar is the three horizontal lines at the top right corner of the window for Android and bottom right corner for iOS).

Step 3: Scroll down and click on the “See More” tab.

Step 4: Scroll down and tap on the “Avatars” icon to go to the Facebook avatar maker.

Step 5: Create your avatar by following the on-screen prompts. When you finish each feature your click on next. When you’re done creating your avatar, you click on the Checkmark at the top right corner of the window.

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Congratulations if you have followed the above steps carefully. You can now join in the Facebook avatar fun trending right now.

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